Archive Page 2


Monday Madness – Riddle Me This

I hope you like the changes I’ve made on my new site. I think it’ll be a lot more fun for both me and you!

How did you all do in last week’s human body quiz? Do I need to make these quizzes easier? I want to make it fun for you, but also challenging! Here goes another…

1. What goes on and on with “i” in the middle?

2. The more you take away the larger I become. What am I?

3. There is a town where 5 percent of all the people living there have unlisted phone numbers. If you selected 100 names at random from the town’s phone directory, on average, how many of these people would have unlisted phone numbers?

4. I’m the beginning of the end, and the end of time.Who knows? – You might even find me at the end of this rhyme.

5. I can be seen when it’s cold, but not when hot. You need me to live – take your last and you’re not.

6. Until you speak I’ll not be heard. I then respond to your every word.

7. The wind only ever blows from the north… where am I?

8. Look at me one way and I’m heavy, weigh a lot. But turn me around and you’ll find that I’m not.

9. I can be driven, yet have no wheels or feet. Can also be sliced, yet remain complete.

10. If you threw a white hat with a blue ribbon into the Red Sea, what would it become?

Remember to now go to to continue to follow me.


I’ve been looking at other blogs out there and they are SO much cooler looking than mine. I’ve pretty much done all the cool stuff that WordPress will let me… and that’s not much! WordPress is more for writing alone with a few photos here and there. There’s only so much I can do with backgrounds and photos and add-ons.

I’ve decided that blogger is the way that I should go (and should have from the beginning). There’s so many more fun things I can do. So, from now on follow this link and go to: 

I have transferred most of my old posts over there and I am going to continue posting there – NOT here. I will keep this blog up to help direct people over to my new one, but I will not be adding anything. Check out the new one and let me know what you think. I’m going to have a lot more fun with it and I hope you do too.

Thanks for stickin’ with me!

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Perceptive Perspective – Fall

PP copyWell, week one… check! Let’s see how many of you have joined me in this. I expect that it will take a couple weeks to build up some followers, but I hope it will be something that you all enjoy.

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I really love the fall for photos, that’s why I picked it for this week’s theme. It’s so easy to get great photos with all the beautiful colors. Plus there’s so many things that tie into fall, so you can’t go wrong! I hope it was just as easy for you!

I shot lots of leaves. The color just popped and I had fun playing in Photoshop with them. This first one is my favorite. I don’t know why, it just is… I love the foreground and background with the one leaf popping out.


 This next one, I was laying on the ground on my back with my head next to the tree trunk looking up. These colors were amazing!


This one makes me sad! It’s what the campground is starting to look like… empty! I’m gonna miss my meadow rats!!


Here’s where you come in… Click the Mister Linky link below and add your post (remember not to link your front page of your blog but your permanant link to your post for this week’s theme). I usually wont link mine in, but I’ll do it this time to show you what it’ll look like.

 I will post my favorite of your photos next week.

PP NEXT WEEK copyNext week’s challenge is “Love”. This can mean SO many things. It could be a person, a feeling, an object, a hobby… the list goes on. You make the call, and have fun!


Welcome to the neighborhood!

I was sitting at my computer (surprise… surprise) on Tuesday morning while Lexi was quietly doing yet another art project. It was only about 9:30 and both us girls were still in our jammies. We had to run errands that day, but it was rainy outside and I was feeling quite lazy because of it.

I had my robe tied tight around me and still had two blankets on top. (We have yet to turn the furnace on, so it’s been chilly in the house.) I had my hot cup of coffee right beside me for that extra shot of warmth. I had my notes on my lap, working on ads. My hair was a mess… my house, even worse!

Then there was a knock at the door… OH NO! I can’t open the door like THIS with my house looking like THIS! I looked at the door and it’s my new neighbor. GREAT! What is she going to think of me?!?! But I had to answer because she saw me sitting there.

I answer the door, quickly fluffing my ratty hair and tieing my robe a little tighter. There she stood with two cappiccinos and a smile! “I hope you like coffee,” she says.

So I invite her in, apologizing for the mess, both on me and in my house. Now, I DO have to say that my house was not that bad… but bad enough. I had just done about 8 loads of laundry the day before, and they were still folded in little piles all over the kitchen counter. There were toys scattered here  and there, but not as bad as they usually are. It has been worse on many occasion!

We sat and talked for about a half hour. We both like to read, although it sounds like what takes her a few hours takes me a few weeks to read. I wish I could read faster than I do! She’s also an “out-of-towner”. Which means a lot in Goodhue! We out-of-towners don’t seem to fit in real well. We try to talk to our neighbors, go to community functions, and patronize the local businesses, but no one seems to let us in their little Goodhue world. So I was glad to hear it when she said after living in town for five years, she still had not fit in. It made me feel a LITTLE less like a loser! We out-of-towners have to stick together or we will die alone!

She has a 17-year-old daughter and two sons. One is a couple years older than Emma and one is in Emma’s grade… how great is that? Kids to play with! YAY! They have already played with them a few times and they all seem to get along pretty well. They are not moved in yet as they are doing work to the house before they move in. But when they do, I will be excited.

She seems super nice and I can’t wait to get to know her better…

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Wordless Wednesday



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MN Sports ROCK!

I’m sure you’ve all heard, but this last couple days have been interesting for Minnesota sports fans – to say the least! It’s been fun to watch and be a part of (even though I’m not actually participating).

It all started with a couple crazy Twins games on Friday and Saturday. Friday’s game, they were ahead 10-0 by the fourth inning. But the Twins let the Royals get 7 runs in the next couple innings, making us all bite our nails for the last half of the game. Saturday was another nail-biter! Again, they pulled it off.

Then Sunday’s game was one for the records. Kubel hit two 3-run homeruns! Young  had two homeruns and Cuddyer added one more. They won what was supposed to be the LAST Metrodome game 13-4. It was quite a show! The post game ceremony was fun to watch too with the top ten Metrodome moments and all the Twins veterans. It took me back to my childhood… watching the game from the “cheap seats” in the nose-bleed section; Dad whistling the “charge” call louder than anyone around; being AT the World Series game 2 in 1991; and (best of all) meeting Herby at my uncle’s house when I was about ten years old!

Last night was the Viking-Packer game… OH BOY! Now there’s something to watch! Favre as a Viking against his old team (our arch enemies)… on Monday Night Football! Can’t get any better than that! Probably most of you were watching (or at least heard the highlights), but it was a great game. It was such a CRAZY first half… Vikings ahead…  tied… Vikings ahead… tied… VIkings ahead… My head was spinning. At least no one can say it was boring! The second half wasn’t as exciting, but was still awesome! Watching Favre kick some Packer tail was the best football I’ve seen from the Vikes since I became a fan about 15 years ago. It’ll be interesting to watch what happens when we travel to Green Bay!

The one thing I got out of the football game that I didn’t like was that I learned they have already renamed the dome. What? The body’s not even cold… It’s like a guy that just lost his wife and the next day he goes and finds a new, young chippy. I don’t know about you, but the “Mall of America Feild” will ALWAYS be the HHH Metrodome in my book!

“Now we gotta come back here on Tuesday and drink some more beer!” Kent Hrbek said at the ceremony on Sunday. Twins return this afternoon for game 163 at 4:00 against the Tigers in the tie-breaker for ALCS division champ title. I would LOVE to be at the game! (Anyone want to go?) They are the ONLY team in Major League history to play a tie-breaker game in back-to-back seasons. Hopefully, this year will turn out better than last! GO TWINS!


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Monday Madness – Human Body

Well, it looked like last week you guys didn’t do too well. Hope you do better this week!

1. Infants have more or less number of bones than adults?

2. How much blood does the human body contain?

3. What day of the week is the most common for a heart attack?

4. Where is the fastest growing hair on the body?

5. How long before a fertilized egg splits into two cells?

6. What is the largest human organ?

7. When are fingerprints formed?

8. What will kill you first… lack of sleep or lack or food?

9. How fast can a sneeze travel?

10. Every square inch of the human body has an average of 32 million what?

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Perceptive Perspective

PP copyOk… I’ve been wanting to get back into “fun” photography again. I haven’t done artistic work much since I got out of school. I’ve done a few things here and there, but nothing extraordinary. I miss just taking my camera and shooting random things and making them fun and artistic. I’m going to try something that will get me out and do it more… we’ll see how it turns out.

I’m calling it “Perceptive Perspective”. I will post it every Friday. This way it will give me the whole week to do it. Each week I will have a theme that I have to follow. I will announce it the previous Friday. Here’s the kicker… I want YOU to join along in this adventure WITH me!! I want you to do the assignments too and we can all share our work with each other.

Now, you don’t have to be a “pro”. You don’t even have to be good… this is just for fun. You can do it every week, or just when you have time. Here’s what you will need:

*  A camera (of course)… any kind will do. Whether it’s a SLR, a point and shoot, or even a camera phone. It doesn’t have to be anything special.

*  An editing program… IF you want to do editing. You don’t have to edit, it’s just fun to try if you want. If you don’t have a program, here’s a good one (and it’s also free!)

*  A blog… if you don’t have one, get one. (It’s fun! More fun than I ever thought it would be!) It’s easy and it’s free (my favorite 4 letter f word)! Even if you use it only for this purpose, that’s ok. That way you can still show your work to everyone. You can go to wordpress or blogspot to get started. Those are the two most used free blog sites out there.

*  If you don’t want to have a blog but want to participate, you can still do so by opening up a Flickr account.  It’s free (for a basic package) and easy to use. You can just add your photos there each week. 

*  Sign-up your post or Flicker account… WHAT? you ask… I want your post added to a list of posts that do that week’s assignment. (Note: you must sign up with the Mister Linky link after EACH week’s assignment that you participate in.) Make sure when you sign in to put the permanant link to that post, not your home page of your blog. You can get that by clicking on the title of the post. That will take you to a page with JUST that post and you can get the link there. (The http://……  address). Then, all you have to do is click on each other’s links to see each other’s work… make sence? You can sign-up by clicking on:

This will be at the end of EVERY Perceptive Perspective post.

You can post one photo, or as many as strikes your fancy that week – there are no rules in this other than to follow the theme.

IF I can find enough people to do this, maybe I’ll even make it interesting with a guest judge and a prize… Either way, I will post my top picks (with links) on my blog.

I also ask that you link my blog on yours, specifically the “Perceptive Perspective” logo so more people can join us in this crazy idea. You can do this by using this html code:

<a href=”; target=”_blank”><img src=”; border=”0″ alt=”PP” /></a>


Ok… I know I’m a day late for posting this, but let’s get started. For week one, I’m going to make it SUPER easy… our theme this week is FALL. Now, GO, shoot your heart out! Remember, it can be ANYTHING, just have fun! Don’t forget to sign yourself in at the end of my post AND link my blog in your post.

Come on…. join me…. It’ll be fun!!

P.S. If you need help getting started, let me know and I’ll walk you through it.

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Shake on it

“Ok, I have a deal!” Emma says (about 20 times a day). She knows what she wants and goes after it. She pushes every button and tries every angle until one of us goes crazy!

I don’t get it. I rarely take her up on her deals but she keeps trying! Her “deals” usually consist of her getting something, but not having to do anything or give anything for what she wants. Why would make such a deal? But she persists… and persists… boy is she stubborn!!

Everyone says she’s just like me. I see some of myself in her. I know I am stubborn, but am I REALLY that stubborn too? I know I have that wild card Disch gene in me that trumps the calmness of the Wilcoxons, but come on…  really?!?!

There are some days that I just can’t handle her stubbornness. But, I fight right along side of her and am NOT about to give her want she wants. (Sound familiar?) I can’t let her know that if she fights enough that she’ll get her way. But I also don’t want to teach her to be stubborn like her mother… Oh what a balancing act! Usually I have to threaten to take something away to get what I want. What does that teach her?!?! AGH!

Tuesday night, she fought and fought to stay up late. Bed time is bed time in my house… especially when it’s a school night. Most nights there’s no problem. But after ten minutes of fighting, I was sick of trying to get her to get her jammies on. So I told her she had two minutes to get them on and get upstairs or she would have to go to bed a half  hour early the next night. Needless to say (because she’s so stubborn), she was still in her clothes ten minutes later. It still took another ten minutes before she was tucked in.

Last night came with an early bed time. She got her jammies on really nice when I said it was time for bed, so did Lexi. We walked upstairs and Lexi was just finishing brushing her teeth. I told her to go back downstairs and wait until I come back down so we could get Emma into bed.

You would have thought I just shot the dog!! Emma falls to the floor screaming. She was convinced that because she had to go to bed early, Lexi did too… she didn’t think that was fair. I told her that I didn’t think it was fair that she had thrown a half hour fit the night before – that if she’s going to act naughty, she will be punished – and that Lexi had nothing to do with it so she is not going to be punished.

She proceeded to cry with that “poor me” fake cry while laying in bed for the next half hour. Darren and I tried our best to ignore her. As soon as Lexi was tucked snug in her bed, of course, everything was fine. 

She can be such a sweetheart. But she can be such a little turd too! Maybe she IS just like me!!

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Wordless Wednesday



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Be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind!
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