Archive for the 'Kids/Family' Category


New show in town

A stack of blank paper… $2

A full roll of tape…. $2

Two nights of quiet with two busy girls having fun… PRICELESS!

The girls have been busy the last couple days. They love doing art projects and since Holloween is coming up, they decided to make decorations. Thinking they were going to hang them around the house, I gave them the paper and let them go to town. It kept them busy for two nights from right after school almost until bed time!

Little did I know, they would be hanging them in out big bay window for the whole town to see. It’s actually really cute! They made bats, witches, pumpkins and even floating heads. They’ve filled three windows (at least up as high as they could reach). These windows face the busiest street in town and everyone that drives by gets a show!

They named all the witches “Mary”! For all you Meadow Rats, you understand why.

See the witches at the top of this next one? They’re even riding on broomsticks.


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I’ve been called “mom” for nearly 7 years now. Its been an every-day part of my life… “Mom, can I…? Mom, where’s my…? Mom, will you…?” I’ve heard it a million times and said it a million more. Its nothing new. It’s part of who I am… who I’ll always be from now on.

On Saturday while lounging around the house, Emma called me mom like she has a so many times before. I think it was the way she said it, with a more mature “big girl” tone, not a “kid” tone. For some reason I had to think about it for a minute. I did a double take as I thought, Is she talking to me? I’m “Mom” to that big girl? That sounds so weird!

What? Why was this such a shock? I don’t know what got into me. It just sounded so strange. I couldn’t believe that was me. Like I said, nearly seven years I have proudly carried this title. But for the first time, it really hit me on Saturday how old my girls where actually getting. Why did it take so long to realize this?

All of a sudden, I felt really old! Why would that one little word that I’ve been called so many times make me feel so old? It was as if it was the first time I had ever been called “Mom”. I’ve been called so many things… friend, daughter, sister, wife, boss, student, photographer, waitress, the list goes on. I’ve even been called Ma’am a time or two. Yet I’ve never felt as strange (or old) as I did with that label that was stuck on me by my own daughter.

When did it become my identity? When did I drop all those other labels and stick the “Hello, my name is MOM” sticker on my shirt? It seems like that’s all that I am these days. Don’t get me wrong, I cherish that title and I cherish the little ones that call me that every day. I would rather have that title than any other. I just can’t believe how fast it goes and how much it consumes every aspect of my life.

Remember to now go to to continue following me.


Shake on it

“Ok, I have a deal!” Emma says (about 20 times a day). She knows what she wants and goes after it. She pushes every button and tries every angle until one of us goes crazy!

I don’t get it. I rarely take her up on her deals but she keeps trying! Her “deals” usually consist of her getting something, but not having to do anything or give anything for what she wants. Why would make such a deal? But she persists… and persists… boy is she stubborn!!

Everyone says she’s just like me. I see some of myself in her. I know I am stubborn, but am I REALLY that stubborn too? I know I have that wild card Disch gene in me that trumps the calmness of the Wilcoxons, but come on…  really?!?!

There are some days that I just can’t handle her stubbornness. But, I fight right along side of her and am NOT about to give her want she wants. (Sound familiar?) I can’t let her know that if she fights enough that she’ll get her way. But I also don’t want to teach her to be stubborn like her mother… Oh what a balancing act! Usually I have to threaten to take something away to get what I want. What does that teach her?!?! AGH!

Tuesday night, she fought and fought to stay up late. Bed time is bed time in my house… especially when it’s a school night. Most nights there’s no problem. But after ten minutes of fighting, I was sick of trying to get her to get her jammies on. So I told her she had two minutes to get them on and get upstairs or she would have to go to bed a half  hour early the next night. Needless to say (because she’s so stubborn), she was still in her clothes ten minutes later. It still took another ten minutes before she was tucked in.

Last night came with an early bed time. She got her jammies on really nice when I said it was time for bed, so did Lexi. We walked upstairs and Lexi was just finishing brushing her teeth. I told her to go back downstairs and wait until I come back down so we could get Emma into bed.

You would have thought I just shot the dog!! Emma falls to the floor screaming. She was convinced that because she had to go to bed early, Lexi did too… she didn’t think that was fair. I told her that I didn’t think it was fair that she had thrown a half hour fit the night before – that if she’s going to act naughty, she will be punished – and that Lexi had nothing to do with it so she is not going to be punished.

She proceeded to cry with that “poor me” fake cry while laying in bed for the next half hour. Darren and I tried our best to ignore her. As soon as Lexi was tucked snug in her bed, of course, everything was fine. 

She can be such a sweetheart. But she can be such a little turd too! Maybe she IS just like me!!

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Returning the favor!

It was cleaning day today in the Jennings house… Oh boy!! All the fighting, screaming, and temper tantrums! (And that was just me!)

It took me back to my childhood. Saturday mornings would be our cleaning day. Dad used to wake us up with his ear numbing loud whistle… it was the morning bugle call they use in the Army. Just to give you an idea, he used to whistle loud enough that we could literally hear it three blocks away! He would plow through the door, whistling his loudest. He would flip on the lights, open the shades, and tear the covers right off our cozy warm bodies! Oh how annoyed we were! That would get us right in the mood to do whatever we were told… NOT! But we did it anyway, knowing that we would not be able to do anything else until it was all done.

So, we spent the morning cleaning, cleaning , cleaning. Both Mom and Dad were furious when we just sat there, waiting for everyone else to clean or purposely take that extra long way around the house, stopping at every little thing just to waste time or play with the dog, when usually we didn’t pay much attention to her. I hated how mad they got!

“What difference does it make, it’s just going to get dirty again? Why should I make my bed, I just have to sleep in again tonight? The tub isn’t THAT dirty, can’t it wait?” I was such a pain! (Sorry Mom & Dad)

I remember once Dad told me (about a dozen times) to clean up my room so he could vacuum. I wasted so much time and ignored his warnings. So he took every bit of clothing, every toy, every scrap of paper, EVERYTHING off my floor and put it on my bed. Then he brought the vacuum in and did his job. I came in and told him I was working on it (which I wasn’t really) and asked why he did it. He said, “Well, now you have to clean your room because now that it’s all on your bed, you can’t go to sleep until it’s all put away!” I looked at my bed and it was covered head to foot with crap! All MY crap! It was at least a foot tall covering the entire bed. I was so mad!

Now that I have the kids, I’m thinking that was a REALLY good idea! I’m the one saying… “Clean it up or we’re not going anywhere! Put that away… no it doesn’t go there… put it where it belongs! Hurry up and quit stalling! Leave the dog alone and get back to work!”

Hopefully someday, their kids will return the favor!


8 years!

img_0125Wow! Time flies! It’s been eight years already since Darren I were married. It’s been a crazy, wonderful ride.

The day we got married, Darren was still recovering from his 4-wheeler accident only two and a half months before. Also, 9-11 was only four days prior. The whole country was torn up. There were no flights to or from anywhere. We didn’t know who would be there and who wouldn’t.

We were married in the church that is now only yards away from our house. The day was dreary and rainy. It wasn’t pouring, but it was raining just enough to frump down everything a bride doesn’t want frumped! By the time the ceremony was done, the sun was trying to peek out between clouds and it turned out to be a pretty nice day. There were tons of people… now I wish I hadn’t invited all of them. A quaint little wedding would have been better. However, everyone I loved was there… most importantly, Darren! He was terrified, even tho he’ll never admit it now. He was terrified, not of marrying me (at least that whaimg_0121t I tell myself), but of being the center of attention.

We’ve since lived in three towns, all withing 20 miles (we branch out – BIIIG time). We have the two most beautiful girls in the world and now are on our third dog (this one will last… promise). We are happy together… that is when I remember to take my meds… LOL!

He’s a great husband and an awesome dad who would do anything for his three girls! Here’s to another fifty years! I love you Darren!


That’s a first!

It’s Emma’s first day in first grade. It’s amazing how time flies! She was so excited on Tuesday when the whole family went in to meet the teacher and get her photo taken. Then yesterday, while anxiously waiting for today, her and Lexi played school half the day. She slumped around the house most of the day, wishing the day was over so she could begin school today.

At supper, she said, “I wish it was night time.”

“Why,” I asked.

“Because then I could go to sleep, then it would be morning and I could go to school.”

Then at bed she said as she clapped her hands, “I’m so excited for school! I’m going to go right to sleep ’cause I have a big day tomorrow!”

The morning came and she popped right out of bed with a smile on her face. She got ready so nice, without a fight, without a shout, and without a tear! I loved it! Let’s see how she does in two weeks when she is tired and crabby in the mornings and all the excitement has worn off…

She took off on her bike, all by herself. Stopping to look back every ten feet or so. It didn’t help that I was taking her picture as she peddled away. She loves the camera and always wants to be in front of it! img_0106img_0108img_0109

I think I’m just as excited as she is (maybe more). She’s growing up right before my eyes. I love watching her learn and try new things. Also, now maybe I’ll get some things done around the house. Heck, maybe (just maybe) Darren will come home to a clean house ever now and then! And I still get her home with me after school.

I also find myself looking back to the beautiful little baby she was and how fast she’s grown up.



Summer fun…

It’s the last real week of summer and I wonder where the heck it went! It seems like school was just let out for summer vacation and the buds were blooming in the sweet spring air. Summer, along with many other good things in life, is gone in the blink of an eye.

We spent our summer camping with family and good friends who have now become my family. Soon the snow will creep in with it’s short days and excruciatingly long nights. I will miss relaxing by the fire on a warm summer night with a cold beer in hand while everyone tells stories of their “glory days”. I will miss waking up to a hot cup of coffee and reading a book in the soothing morning sunshine.  I will miss watching the kids running around with their friends, free as can be, without a care in the world. I will miss our mock happy hour (even tho we haven’t had one for a while) with the best Bloody Mary’s I’ve ever had! I will miss the “whatcha got?…. I got this…. let’s throw it together” way of cooking. I will miss sitting in the river while the kids (and dog) go wild in the water.

But most of all, I will miss my friends. They will still be around, but not every weekend like they are now. They wont be right there when I wake up, waiting to have breakfast together. They wont be right there to tell a funny story right when I need one. They wont be right there to listen to my rants. They wont be right there to be crazy with me. 

Thanks all you meadow rats! I love you all and will miss you much! ❤


A Stinky Situation

So Dad passed out in the bathroom yesterday. After an unknow amount of time, he awoke to find he had done a face plant off his royal throne smack down onto the floor. This morning, he sent me a photo of his battle wounds.


I showed the girls and Emma asked what happened.

“Papa was taking a poop and he passed out,” I said.

“…because it was so stinky?” she asked.

After controlling my laughter, I said, “That very well may be the case!”


Oh, the wisdom of children!

Kids have such a simple way of looking at things. I wish we could all see things this clearly…

There was a commercial for buying/investing in gold on the radio today. It didn’t really go into detail, but mentioned how with all the government spending, inflation is bound to happen. Emma heard this commercial and said, “Does Obama want to take all your money?”

I laughed, as any conservative mom would, and responded, “Yes, he does.”

“Why?” she asked.

“Well, he’s spending a lot of money that he doesn’t have,” I responded, “and he has to use our money to pay for it.”

“Then, why is he spending it if it’s not his… that’s not fair.”

Again, I laugh. Unfortunately, I didn’t have an answer to that one… Anyone else know how to respond to a six-year-old who is apparently smarter than those that run this country?


Weekend Excursion

We went to my grandparents over the weekend. We ended up at the state park near them with my mom and dad. The girls loved swimming in the lake, especially because mom forgot to pack their swimming suits and they got to go in their clothes!


We also took a trip to the train museum. They loved it!


They got to ring the train bell.


We saw an old school house, general store, house, church, courthouse, and mill. The school had the teacher rules posted at the doorway. Most were 14 years old when they started! We thought the rules were pretty funny…

Teachers will not keep company with men.

Teachers will not get married while in the term of their contract.

Teachers will not ride in buggy or automobile with a man other than father or brother.

Teachers will not loiter at local ice cream parlor.

Teachers will not wear bright colors.

Teachers will not wear dresses any shorter than two inches below the ancle.


We found my great-great-grandpa’s signature in the county assesment registrar at the old court house.



After checking, they discovered that this was a “boy” buffalo.


Be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind!
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